16 April, 2013

Eggshell Seedlings

I thought you could use an update on the eggshell seed sprouting project. What do you think? It's been 11 days since I first watered my little seeds. Five days up on the warm dark fridge gave me a nearly perfect germination.

We've had a little cold snap, and the apartment is cooler now than it was when they were sprouting, which I have actually read is supposed to increase yields. At any rate, they look very healthy and in the next few days I'll be choosing which sprouts get to stick around. 
It helps greatly to use a white surface to reflect light onto the seedlings. This encourages healthy growth by letting the seedling invest in it's root system as much as its foliage. Seedlings often become thin and over-tall looking for more light. In some cases a white surface to reflect more back from the window is all you need. I use an artist's canvas, it's easy to prop up agains the window and move around.

I have great intentions to place these seedling in big grapefruit rinds when they've gotten bigger. What do you think? Good idea or no? I have a feeling the decomposing grapefruit would eventually inhibit the growth of my tomatoes.

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