16 May, 2013

Homegrown Tomatoes Week 5

The tomatoes are growing perfectly. I stop by the windowsill once a day to turn them to promote even growth. I rotate them 90º until they reach 4 inches tall, at which point I transplant them to recycled paper containers with more leg room, and start I turning them a full 180º each day instead.

They only need water every few days. However, lately I've noticed these little flies that always crop up in my potted plants. Does anyone know the identity of this dainty little creature? They've never done any harm so far as I can tell.

I'm having a lot of fun dreaming about where to put them outside. I'm an apartment dweller, with a small north facing patio and a little patch of dirt on the south side bordering the parking lot. I really want to put a tomato in a big hanging pot on my patio and let it spill out luxuriously. I'm thinking I'll place the rare rutgers tomatoes by the parking lot for plenty of sun. The pear variety is supposed to be unbelievably productive and I'm expecting it to do well, even with a north facing exposure.

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