01 May, 2011

French Lilac Wine

Last year I tried my hand at wine making for the very first time. I was inspired by the pretty little dandelions that had poped up all over the garden in a week or two of forgetting to weed, and a little recipe I had read in some historical cookbook for dandelion wine. I thought it would be a fun project.

So, I pulled out the galon glass wine jars that we had hanging around from some of our more formidable parties and washed them up with hot water and bleach. I found my recipe at WikiHow and followed it as best I could. I poped a balloon on my fizzing potion to keep the badies out and stashed it away in the dark cool corner of the study. The results were wonderful! In several months it had matured a bit and we could hardly keep ourselves from drinking it all. I even gave a bottle to my friend for her birthday, which she in turn shared with her family and they all enjoyed.

I now enjoy winemaking on a regular basis. And beer brewing, as far as that goes.

Spring flowers bloom for a two week period here, or the wine making flowers do at least. First come the dandelions, bright and yellow, then the violets--which make my ultimate favorite wine, and lastly the lilacs. Last year my lilac wine was no good, but I have much better equipment now and much more experience so I'm willing to give it another try.

Here's to hoping! 

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